EU flagHNS-MS has been funded by DG-ECHO under agreement ECHO/SUB/2014/693705

Improving Member States preparedness to face an HNS pollution of the Marine System (HNS-MS)

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About HNS-MS

HNS-MS is a decision-support tool that Belgian and French maritime authorities as well as coastguard stations can activate in order to forecast the drift, fate and behaviour of acute marine pollution by Harmful Noxious Substances (HNS) accidentally released in the marine system.

Focussing on the Greater North Sea, the European North West Shelf and the margin Atlantic Ocean, HNS-MS can be activated in the framework of the Bonn Agreement

The web-based decision-support tool is made of:

  • the HNS-MS data base, documents the physico-chemical properties of major HNS transported from or to the ports of Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Nantes and Bordeaux;
  • a digital atlas of vulnerability maps;
  • a 3D mathematical model that can forecast the drift, fate and behaviours of HNS spilt at sea.

HNS-MS help coastguard stations to evaluate the risks for maritime safety, civil protection and marine environment in case of an acute pollution of the sea.

  About the project

HNS-MS is a decision-support tool that Belgian and French maritime authorities as well as coastguard stations can activate in order to forecast the drift, fate and behavior of acute marine pollution by Harmful Noxious Substances (HNS) accidentally released in the marine system.

  Contact us


Tel : +32 (0)2 773-2102

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Copyright © 2015–2025 HNS-MS Consortium

EU flagHNS-MS has been funded by DG-ECHO under agreement ECHO/SUB/2014/693705 and runs from 1 January 2015 to 31 March 2017.